Thursday, November 19, 2009


This is an interesting film to go back to. I watched it many, many years ago and when I was much younger. I really enjoyed the movie back then, mainly because I am just a hardcore video gamer. So it was interesting watching it again in class today and having a new, more mature, and refreshed perspective on it. I have to say that seeing it again it seems extremely cheesy. But that is in a good way. The movie is extremely unique, with a much grittier world than a movie like the Matrix- which ironically came out the same year. That goes to show you how popular the virtual reality theme was back in the later 90's. The movie definitely has a lot of gross out moments when it comes to the organic controller that plugs into the user's spine. The one thing I remember the most watching this as a kid was the gun that used human teeth as ammo. There was something disturbingly cool about that. Again, seeing the gun now when I'm older, it looks very weird to say the least. Not to mention the functionality of the gun is almost entirely lost which breaks my believability a bit. I mean, how does it operate and actually manages to shoot? But hey, this is supposed to be a game after all. Well, a game within a game. Actually, a game within a game within a game. The ending of the film was definitely a disappointment, however. I remember thinking that as a kid, "Really, that's it?" I guess they did get lost in their own plot line since they did not know how to properly end it. The end just seemed contrived, like they ran into a wall or something. So they just resolved it by saying the whole film was a game, so they did not have to try and figure out how to get themselves out of the mess they got in from the whole movie. Oh well, the ending is not what I remember the movie for, not in the least. It's the tooth gun. Crazy awesome. And weird too.

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